Kall Gauge Features

When it comes to outsourcing your Etisalat & Du Mobile Bills, the below features of Kall Gauge make it the service of choice. All your business processes followed for Mobile bill processing can be easily mapped into Kall Gauge’s complex computing engine.

User Friendly Interface

It is a simple to use system for your employees so they can review their monthly Etisalat and Du Bill easily in a couple of clicks.

Record Connection History

Kall Gauge allows you to maintain and track Connection data such as Subscription Date, Legal Registration Name, Mobile operator, SIM Card Number, PUK Code, Connection Location, Account Number and Disconnection Date etc. It also helps you maintain and track the allocations for the connections doubling up as a SIM Card Tracker making you get rid of multiple excel files

Record Connection History

Kall Gauge allows you to maintain and track Connection data such as Subscription Date, Legal Registration Name, Mobile operator, SIM Card Number, PUK Code, Connection Location, Account Number and Disconnection Date etc. It also helps you maintain and track the allocations for the connections doubling up as a SIM Card Tracker making you get rid of multiple excel files

Maintain your Contacts Directory

You can maintain your Corporate Directory in Kall Gauge, bringing all the in-house numbers at one place and highlighting them as official usage when the employee sees his/her Etisalat or Du Mobile Bill. Employees can also maintain their private contacts securely without sharing it with the system admin or other users. This allows Kall Gauge to shows names instead of numbers on their Mobile bill making it simple to divide the usage into personal and official calls.

Maintain your Contacts Directory

You can maintain your Corporate Directory in Kall Gauge, bringing all the in-house numbers at one place and highlighting them as official usage when the employee sees his/her Etisalat or Du Mobile Bill. Employees can also maintain their private contacts securely without sharing it with the system admin or other users. This allows Kall Gauge to shows names instead of numbers on their Mobile bill making it simple to divide the usage into personal and official calls.

One Touch submissions

Being a user-friendly system, Kall Gauge allows your employees to review their monthly Etisalat & Du Mobile Bill by just clicking a button. Based on the corporate directory, contacts and the previous history, Kall Gauge distinguishes the personal and official calls on submission and also records personal numbers for future use.

One Touch submissions

Being a user-friendly system, Kall Gauge allows your employees to review their monthly Etisalat & Du Mobile Bill by just clicking a button. Based on the corporate directory, contacts and the previous history, Kall Gauge distinguishes the personal and official calls on submission and also records personal numbers for future use.

Submission & Approval Reminders

We send email and SMS reminders once a week to your employees who are having bills pending for submission. We also track the number of reminders so you can decide the course of action in case the bills are pending for a longer duration.

Multiple level of Bills Approval

Kall Gauge allows you to setup multiple levels of approvals for monthly Etisalat & Du bills. The employees marked as approvers have the option to approve or reject multiple bills in one go.

Multiple level of Bills Approval

Kall Gauge allows you to setup multiple levels of approvals for monthly Etisalat & Du bills. The employees marked as approvers have the option to approve or reject multiple bills in one go.

Accounting & Payments

The Payment screen in Kall Gauge has been specifically designed in order to streamline the payment procedure. All active connection, whether allocated or in stock, are listed along with respective dues. Kall Gauge allows your accounts team to record vital payment information such as the Paid Amount, Payment Date, Voucher Number etc. for future reference and clear the bills from their desk.

Accounting based on Costing Parameters

Kall Gauge gives you the option to account the official charges into various costing parameters viz. Sites, Location, Department, Cost Centers, Projects, Tasks etc.

Accounting based on Costing Parameters

Kall Gauge gives you the option to account the official charges into various costing parameters viz. Sites, Location, Department, Cost Centers, Projects, Tasks etc.